Quick Tips to Improve Your Facebook Ads' CTR

If you aren't already advertising on Facebook Ads then you are missing out! For those of you who already are, then you can truly appreciate the value in creating ad campaigns that get users to click. Facebook Ads runs off a "cost per click" advertising platform, but it really backs out to a CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) for Facebook. The higher the click through rate you can achieve for your ad campaigns, the lower you will have to pay per click. ZacJohnson.com came up with some quick tips to improve your click through rates and lower costs. Each of these steps is explained below:

1. Target Your Audience

This one is a no brainer. It's not so much to make sure you are targeting the right audience, but that you are really zoning in as much as you can. Facebook allows you to target full demographics for anyone on their site and this also includes "interests". Don't think that women and men all click the same stuff! Create a wide variety of campaigns and play around with your demographics to see which get the best click through rates.

2. Split Testing Your Ads

One of the great things about Facebook Ads is that it allows you to send a massive amount of traffic to your ads fast. This means you can do a decent amount of split testing in a short period of time and you also won't have to spend much money. For best results setup as many campaigns as you can with different images and ad copy. Let these ads run for a bit, but set a very low daily budget. Once you have a good idea on the type of click through rate and conversions these ads are pulling, delete the bad ones and keep tweaking the best ones to improve your numbers.

3. Play Around With Images

The images you use in your Facebook Ads is what is really going to get the most attention. Try messing around with your images and see what gets people to click. I've seen great results with adding my own borders, using upside down images and trying pictures of people looking in different directions. You'll be surprised at what gets the most clicks!

Hopefully you've found these tips useful. Be sure to always split test and play around with your ad campaigns while also adding new ones all the time. The last thing you want is for people to keep seeing the same ads and it ends up just costing you extra money!

This week's ClickReport.com Click Tip provided by:

Zac Johnson
Affiliate Marketing Expert

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