5 Tips for Boosting Your Google Display Ads Performance

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When it comes to Google Ads, the very first thing that might strike your imagination is the Google Search campaigns. However, there’s more to Google ads. One of the best advertisement options that marketers can utilize with Google ads would be “Google Display Ads.” They are perfect for businesses and companies who intend to increase their brand awareness among prospects that are at the top of the funnel. If you have already tried Google Display ads and haven’t received great results, here are a few tips to optimize your ads to perform better.

1. Target Your Ads to the Right Audience

Yes, that’s very basic. If you are not targeting your ads at the right audience who would be likely to take action, you’re probably wasting your marketing budget. You need to ensure that your ads are targeted to prospects who are likely to be most interested in whatever you are selling and can benefit from your offering too.

You should target audiences with expressed interest, demographics, and various other relevant signals. Also, be very specific about your target audience as targeting a group that is too broad may not help your cause either.

2. Search Volume Should Not Be Your Only Metric to Consider When Picking Keywords

When planning an SEO or PPC strategy, keyword research is very important and can play a crucial part in the success or failure of your entire marketing campaign. Yes, you need to pick keywords that your target audience is actively searching for, but there is more to it. You should also consider the searcher’s intent when choosing keywords for your ad campaign. Your ads will be displayed to the right audience if your keywords are refined significantly. No matter how good your ad may look, if your message is not reaching the right audience, you won’t get the desired results. Therefore, always spend a little extra time and find keywords that resonate well with your target audience. It is also good to geo-target them to the appropriate segments.

3. Tailor Your Ads to Mobile Users

Mobile devices account for more than half of all the impressions display adverts receive. Therefore, you must test your Google Display ads on mobile devices to ensure they work effectively on smaller screens. Mobile app traffic is notorious for generating little to no profit. So, it’s better to exclude these categories from your ads to make your campaigns more cost-efficient.

4. Pay Attention to Image and Video Quality in Your Ads

It is true that a picture can give a louder and clearer message than words, but that’s only possible if you are using pictures that aren’t recognizable and overused. Your ads should feature real pictures and images reflecting your brand. The use of custom graphics and illustrations in your Google Display Ads can be even better for promoting your brand.

5. Position Your Ad Prominently

One of the key reasons behind underperforming ads is that they are not positioned somewhere prominent. Regardless of the solid appeal of your ad, if it is not placed right, it will be a serious disadvantage to your PPC campaign. Most users click ads placed somewhere at the top of a webpage. However, the right-sidebar isn’t a bad option either. Just make sure you don’t go lower down the page for positioning your ads.

Ready to spark life into your Google Display Ads? Try these tips and see how your ad performance gets better!

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