1 New Way To Segment Ad Copy

Looking for a new idea to organize your ad copy? We suggest segmenting your PPC ads by sales life cycle stage. Its important to know your target demographic and to understand each stage of the sales cycle. The length of a sales cycle could be anywhere from three months to a year depending on the product or service.

Keyword phrases such as "cheap cars" and "discount clothing" usually indicate the customer is in the research phase, while more specific keyword phrases such as "cheap two door sedans" and "men's large flannel shirts" will target those who are closer to making the buying decision.

You'll want to do research to discover the newest target market segment that fits your brand. Finding new markets will not only expand your potential customer base, but it will also widen the reach of your brand and build awareness.

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Pay Per Click Information & Resources
  • AffiliateGuide.com - Affiliate directory and resource center offering a huge range of web affiliate programs and affiliate information.
  • Passionforppc.com - PPC Management Services.