Differentiate Between Homepage & Landing Page

Your landing page should be tailored to both the offer outlined in your PPC Ad copy, as well as the targeted customer segment. If you redirect potential customers from a specific offer displayed in your ad to a homepage or non-specific landing page, the non-targeted information on these pages will distract and confuse customers. When this occurs, the customer is less likely to follow through with an order, thus decreasing your ad's conversion rate. In addition to lower conversions, non-targeted landing pages can frustrate customers, and ultimately damage your company’s reputation. It is important that your landing page pick up right where your PPC copy left off, prompting the targeted customer through the offer or purchase.

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Pay Per Click Information & Resources
  • AffiliateGuide.com - Affiliate directory and resource center offering a huge range of web affiliate programs and affiliate information.
  • Passionforppc.com - PPC Management Services.