Optimize ROI with A/B Testing

It’s important to create 2-4 pieces of ad copy per ad group to track their effectiveness in driving higher traffic and/or CTRs. Different variations of your ad copy will help you determine the words and phrases that generate higher engagement, from those that possibly drive customers away.

To create different versions of your ad copy, change one main element of your ad at a time. Elements include: Headlines, text phrasing, call to action, price points, or your display URL. Remember to make only one small change at a time so you can measure the exact variable that led to the change in results. The following is an example of a possible phrasing variation for an A/B test. Note the change in ad copy phrasing:

Eric’s Homemade Cookies
 fresh chocolate chip 
cookies. Same-day delivery. 

Eric’s Homemade Cookies
fresh chocolate chip 
cookies. Same-day delivery. 

For any advertiser or small business owner, A/B testing is an easy, accurate way to continue to fine-tune your PPC ads until they perform at their optimal level.

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Pay Per Click Information & Resources
  • AffiliateGuide.com - Affiliate directory and resource center offering a huge range of web affiliate programs and affiliate information.
  • Passionforppc.com - PPC Management Services.