3 Common PPC Mistakes

Don't get caught making these common PPC mistakes!

Keeping Under-Performing Keywords Around
The importance of a keyword lies in its conversion rate. Even if a keyword is generating a lot of clicks, it may not be converting very well. If you hold onto under-performing keywords such as these, you are essentially using up your budget and prohibiting higher performing keywords from rising to the top.

Forgetting About Display Networks
Ads running on search engine display networks cost less than search channels- but also convert at a much lower rate. Display Networks tend to be effective at promoting low cost products, generating brand awareness, and advertising free promotional items, it’s important that you test on select sites within the display network before spending a large amount of your budget, and time on this channel.

Ignoring Seasonal Ad Copy
It’s important to specialize your ad copy to seasonal changes that could possibly influence your sales. Changes include the seasons, upcoming holidays, pop culture happenings, and current events. For example, fireworks sell a lot easier in late July than early February and gym membership sales pick up right after Christmas. Tweak your ad copy and create a call to action for the changing motivation behind seasonal sales shifts!

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Pay Per Click Information & Resources
  • AffiliateGuide.com - Affiliate directory and resource center offering a huge range of web affiliate programs and affiliate information.
  • Passionforppc.com - PPC Management Services.